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Walk 4 Awareness of Tumor Lysis Syndrome


Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is a serious metabolic disturbance caused by the death of cancer cells during cancer treatment and the release of their intracellular components into the bloodstream. TLS is characterized by the rapid development of hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperuricemia, and is potentially life-threatening. In a highly proliferative cancer such as acute leukemia, some leukemia cells die before treatment as part of their life cycle. If many of them lyse and die, TLS may develop before cancer treatment even begins. However, most cancer cells in the bloodstream and bone marrow of patients with acute leukemia are destroyed with chemotherapy. As cells lyse and die, they release intracellular components into the bloodstream. Large amounts of potassium and phosphate are released, along with purine nucleic acids. The signs and symptoms of TLS may occur as early as a few hours after the start of chemotherapy, but are more common 24 to 48 hours after treatment begins. The mortality rate for patients who develop TLS is about 18%. You can NOT walk until you sign this waiver and we have a signed copy click on this online link:!waiver--release/c1pcv We thought everyone knew about Tumor Lysis Syndrome but unfortunately we had to learn about this through a family member, friend, associate and even ourself. Join hundreds of other concerned members in your community. We REALLY need your HELP! Choose a sponsor level and DONATE to us. Please join hundreds of other concerned members in your community and attend/walk at our Walk 4 Awareness of Tumor Lysis Syndrome walk on 08/22/2015 11:30am-4:30pm at Sunset Park in Las Vegas, NV-look for the 2nd entrance (Aspin, Indigo picnic area) Sunset Road/Eastern Ave, MUST see Paratransit (CAT) Stop #4 sign up on the board in the parking lot and a bridge crossing to the Sunset Lake, Red & Blue play place for kids, Eating area with table and stools all this there - click on this online link to see:  Call us for directions 855-333-5888 x1900 / Join hundreds of other concerned members in your community and DONATE $3.00 up to $10,000.00 or more each ONLINE only (Sorry NO checks, NO money orders etc.) right now & we are going to have ArtParty4U, water, soda, Christian music and snacks. Call us to get registered at 855-333-5888 x1900 REMEMBER TO BRING US A COPY OF THIS SIGNED WAIVER & RELEASE!!!!! Click on this online link:!waiver--release/c1pcv and if you are unable to attend the walk you can still help us right now and join hundreds of other concerned members in your community to raise funds by a donation of $3.00 up to $10,000.00 or more each ONLINE only right now click on this online link: and/or join hundreds of other concerned members in your community and mail your cash ONLY donation to Dr. Elisheba Weathers 4200 E. Bonanza Rd. #107 Las Vegas, NV 89110-2297


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